Saunders Lake

Saunders Lake

July 18, 2016

Lee Chrystal Letter

Date: July 16, 2016 at 09:17:33 MDT

I do not approve of or recommend any change in the existing area structure plan for the lands around Saunders Lake.
Any changes to these few natural areas left in the lakes proximity should be initiated only after intense scrutiny by all concerned
Citizens. I feel the public of the county are not aware of your intentions for this development and I am moving forward to ensure 
to the best of my ability that they be notified of this squandering of lands based on a Private Developers wishes.
The existing area plan may one day need to change in the best interest of the county and Leduc City and at that time I would hope the
county has the foresight to recognize the need for other types of revenue-generating developments that would insure safer buffer zones
for the preservation of the lands and species that occupy them. 
Furthermore your suggestion to change this structure plan is in direct contradiction to the vision statement of the county in every aspect 
except revenue generation.
Please act accordingly. 
Lee Chrystal
Box 5061
Leduc, Alberta   T9E 6L5
Cell:  780-975-6801

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