Saunders Lake

Saunders Lake

July 17, 2016

Rex Adam Letter

Saunders Lake Area- Proposed Changes to the future Land Use Concept

July 11, 2016 at 16:34:33 MDT
Attached please find my reply to the Leduc County letter concerning proposed changes to the Saunders Lake Area Structure Plan, the Leduc County Municipal Development Plan and the City of Leduc/ Leduc County Intermunicipal Development Plan. I believe the radical changes proposed would be very detrimental to the residents of the Saunders Lake ASP and the scenic amenity and environment of this important regional feature with no corresponding upside. The county has plenty of potential industrial lands but few lands with this scenic amenity and proximity to services this close to Edmonton or Leduc.

Rex Adam
780 493-0552

Rex Adam
201 Hillcrest Court
Sherwood Park, Ab
T8A 5V5

Colin Richards
Senior Planner
Leduc County
County Centre
Suite 101,1101 5th Street
Nisku, Ab
T9E 2X3

Re: Saunders Lake Area - Proposed Changes to future Land Use Concept

Dear Colin:
Thank you for your letter informing me of proposals to radically alter planning documents in the Saunders lake area.

As a landowner in the area and as a former county councillor who was involved in planning for the area that reflected the concerns of the residents and the long term protection of a very significant regional asset, I am disturbed to see long range plans and certainty for the area being reconsidered in collaboration with the City of Leduc.

The 2003 Terms of Reference for the Saunders Lake Area Structure Plan clearly set forth "the ASP is to be a long-range plan with a 20 year planning horizon.." Predominantly residential use was chosen in recognition of the scenic character and unique environment of the area and to facilitate its protection and enjoyment by others. There was strong buy in to the concept from residents and the City of Leduc recognized County aspirations for the area in part for the trade offs the County made in return to City aspirations. The City and the County further reaffirmed the plans for the area to 2044 in the Inter-municipal Development Plan approved by the City on November 2011 and the County on January 24, 2012.

Proposed industrial uses are not compatible with preservation of this regionally significant feature. Already light pollution from the (temporary?) module yard near the north end of the lake has degraded the natural amenity significantly and further industrial encroachment beyond the proposed buffer lands towards the lake would be very detrimental.

Reasons put forward for changes are not credible. The plan was to be suitable for 20 years initially and the foreseeable future to 2044 just four years ago. Accordingly, it is hardly out of date. Once ongoing industrial /commercial development settles down and more certainty solidifies in the residential market still suffering from the great recession of 2008 and more recent collapse of oil prices, estate residential view properties are sure to be of greater interest.

The Aerotropolis study illegitimately targeted approved residential lands in the county. A larger area at the northside of the airport would be equally suitable. The county has no shortage of potential industrial lands but Saunders Lake is one of the very few significant regional lake features in the capital region and certainly this close to Edmonton. I suggest that either the County or the consultant were negligent in including residential lands in that scheme.

The proposed electrical substation is also no reason to suggest residential is less feasible. It is to be located in the transition area at the northwest corner already impacted by the module yard.

Furthermore because one developer comes along and proposes a new smaller land area that high grades one small portion of the ASP for development seems the worst reason to toss out the approved joint vision for the Lake area. Rather than a new long-term vision, I suggest someone has largely just dusted off the Nisku Area Structure Plan prepared by Stewart Weir in 1981 and long since discredited and replaced by other planning initiatives.

It seems to me that any commitment to collaborate on facilitating amendments to overturn the existing approved land uses is vastly premature and inappropriate. Likewise trashing plans to allow additional residential on the east side of the lake also seems rash and inconsiderate. The long term plans have already been factored into considerations of land value and changes would be a major imposition on current residents and recent purchasers.

I believe that the county should reconsider any action in this regard.

Rex Adam

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