Saunders Lake

Saunders Lake

March 16, 2017

Ralph Shute letter Re: Rezoning the area NW of Saunders Lake from residential to industrial

March 3, 2017

To Leduc County Council
Cc City of Leduc Council

Re: Rezoning the area NW of Saunders Lake from residential to industrial

Dear Community Leaders,
When making such rezoning decisions one must consider the longer term impacts. The area concerned should be preserved as residential for future housing development along the lake. It is a rare and wonderful opportunity for private residential living. Industrial development would not only prevent this opportunity but would allow access to the lakeshore by motorcycles, quads and snowmobiles which would eventually destroy the wildlife habitat.

Please do not be influenced by the present day economic gains and allow this lovely natural area to be ruined by industrial urbanization.

Yours truly
Ralph Shute

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